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Fnsi 07 Feb 2005

Lettera del Segretario Generale della Fnsi ai Sindacati dei Giornalisti di tutti i Paesi islamici. Le risposte

Lettera del Segretario Generale della Fnsi ai Sindacati dei Giornalisti di tutti i Paesi islamici. Le risposte

Lettera del Segretario Generale della Fnsi ai Sindacati dei Giornalisti di tutti i Paesi islamici. Le risposte

Il Segretario Generale della Federazione Nazionale della Stampa Italiana, Paolo Serventi Longhi, ha inviato ai Presidenti ed ai Segretari dei Sindacati dei Giornalisti di tutti i Paesi islamici, e del mondo arabo in particolare, la seguente lettera: “I giornalisti italiani sono angosciati per il rapimento a Bagdad dell’inviata de “Il Manifesto” Giuliana Sgrena e per la scomparsa della giornalista di Liberation, Florence Aubenas. Giuliana, in particolare, è una giornalista che conosce bene il mondo islamico, la realtà difficile di molti Paesi del Medio Oriente, è una convinta pacifista ed ha un profondo rispetto per le sofferenze del popolo iracheno. La nostra collega rifiuta la logica del giornalismo embedded, non accetta di raccontare la realtà senza conoscerla direttamente, respinge le veline militari e istituzionali. Per questo è la più esposta ai rischi del nostro mestiere. Da tre giorni Giuliana Sgrena è stata sequestrata da un gruppo armato a Bagdad e si trova prigioniera contro la sua volontà. Per questa ragione Vi chiedo, a nome del Sindacato dei Giornalisti Italiani, di invitare i Vostri Governi e gli organi di informazione del Vostro Paese ad operarsi con ogni mezzo per favorire la liberazione sua e di Florence Aubenas, sapendo che solo una grande mobilitazione degli operatori dei media e delle popolazioni può contribuire a creare le condizioni perché le due colleghe siano restituite al lavoro e alla famiglia. Grazie per la collaborazione. Un saluto fraterno. Paolo Serventi Longhi” Dear Mr Longhi, As a response to your call on all journalist associations of the Muslim countries I'd like to note that we, here in Azerbaijan feel great sorrow for the fate of our Italian colleagues Giuliana Sgrena of Il Manifesto and Florence Aubenas of the French daily Liberation. As a Muslim believer we condemn those people who abducted these two brave journalists on behalf of "Islamic justice". We feel shame and sorrow at any time while guerilla fighters like those kidnapping journalists in Iraq declare that they're doing this on behalf of Muslim believers. In my capacity of the General Secretary of the Azerbaijan Journalists Confederation (AJK) I'd like to express our fraternal solidarity with you and the families of abducted journalists. Using this opportunity we'd like to call on kidnappers to release both journalists immediately and ask for apology from world community. Unfortunately we don't know how to contact those people but believe that they'll be able to hear our call. If they are really Muslim believers they must immediately release journalists. Our religion never justifies such kind of actions. With their actions these fighters cause blaming the Islam as a religion by the people who are not enough familiar with this religion. I'd like to call on them and tell "if you're real Muslim believers just stop wrongdoing and release our colleagues. In contrary we, Muslim believers of other countries will consider you as the criminals and those people feeling sympathy to you will understand your real aims and personality. If you kidnap journalists and kill them demanding from governments to withdraw their armed forces from Iraq territory you're criminals as journalists are not responsible for actions of their governments". Dear Mr Longhi, Once again please accept our apologies for those people acting on behalf of Muslim believers and be sure that we are concerned with the fate of both journalists as you and others in civilized world. With regards, Mr Azer H.Hasret Secretary General The Azerbaijan Journalists Confederation 10 February 2005 Hon. Alexander Downer Minister for Foreign Affairs House of Representatives Parliament House Canberra ACT 2600 Dear Sir, I am writing on behalf of the Media, Entertainment and Arts Alliance, to express our deep concern over the recent kidnappings in Baghdad of Ms. Giuliana Sgrena, a special correspondent for the Italian news daily Il Manifesto, and Florence Aubenas, a correspondent for French news daily Libération. Giuliana Sgrena was kidnapped six days ago in the Iraqi capital by an armed group and is being held against her will. Florence Aubenas disappeared with her translator, Hussein Hanoun al-Saadi, over a month ago. Journalists in Iraq have played, and continue to play, a crucial role in the country’s transition to democracy, especially in facilitating the development of a free and independent press. The Media, Entertainment and Arts Alliance is calling that all parties involved to do everything possible to protect and support this role. The Media, Entertainment and Arts Alliance is calling on the Australian Government to do all in your power to facilitate the early release of Giuliana Sgrena and Florence Aubenas. We also ask that the Australian Government do anything it can to improve the safety and security of all journalists working in Iraq. Yours sincerely, Christopher Warren Federal Secretary/President Media, Entertainment Arts Alliance International Federation of Journalists Dear Paolo! Dear Italian colleagues and friends! We've received your statement concerning the Italian journalists, taken hostages in Iraq. We share your concern about this tragic event, and we'll definetely take promt actions in order to contribute to her release. We strongly believe that Giuliana Sgrena and Florence Aubenas will be freed soon. Yours, in solidarity Tim Shafir RUJ International Department / Международный Отдел СЖР


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