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Fnsi 21 Mar 2003

Help Line internazionale per i Giornalisti impegnati in Medio Oriente e nell'area del Golfo

Help Line internazionale per i Giornalisti impegnati in Medio Oriente e nell'area del Golfo

Help Line internazionale per i Giornalisti impegnati in Medio Oriente e nell'area del Golfo

L'help line offrirà assistenza telefonica, 24 ore su 24, sui seguenti argomenti: · Liaison with security forces on the ground · Liaison with the major international humanitarian organisations · Link with networks that can exert pressure on governments LONDON - Rodney Pinder, Director International News Safety Institute (INSI) + 44 773 470 92 67 (mobile) + 44 207 737 76 28 BRUSSELS - International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) + 32 2 235 22 00 + 32 478 258 669 (Aidan White) + 32 497 707 685 (Sarah de Jong) NEW YORK - Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ) + 1 212 465 10 04 SYDNEY - Media, Entertainment and Arts Alliance (MEAA, IFJ ASIA Office) + 61 29 333 09 99 Per informazioni più dettagliate è possibile consultare il sito della Federazione Internazionale dei Giornalisti (IFJ) cliccando http://www.ifj.org/hrights/iraq/index.html 20 March 2003 Euro Parliament Chief Backs Journalists in “Be Safe, Be Professional” Call Over Iraq War The President of the European Parliament gave his backing yesterday to appeals by the International Federation of Journalists for media staff not to be targeted in the Iraq conflict. Pat Cox, meeting with a delegation of journalists leaders from the IFJ and the National Union of Journalists in Great Britain and Ireland, said he welcomed the establishment of the International News Safety Institute in Brussels by a coalition of media organisations and press freedom groups. European leaders are meeting in emergency session in Brussels today and the IFJ has called on them to ensure that there is no excessive use of force, that civilian casualties are kept to a minimum and that humanitarian workers and media staff are protected. The IFJ has reiterated its "be safe, be professional" call to journalists and media staff working in the regions. "There are hundreds of journalists and media staff working in Iraq and around the region and they are playing a vital role in a world hungry for news about the conflict," says the IFJ. "But news people must not be targeted by either side, their safety is our paramount concern.” The IFJ estimates that at least 3,000 news gatherers are in the region, many of them freelance and not attached to major news networks. "Our message is to be safe and be professional. Journalists must not take or exposed to unacceptable risks and they must not be subject to manipulation or control by any side," says the IFJ. The IFJ has established a 24-hour news safety hot-line for journalists and media staff who run into trouble in the region. Further information: + 32 2 235 22 00 The IFJ represents more than 500,000 journalists in more than 100 countries


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