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Fnsi 15 Apr 2002

Solidarietà Ifj ai colleghi italiani in lotta

Solidarietà Ifjai colleghi italianiin lotta

Solidarietà Ifj
ai colleghi italiani
in lotta

La Federazione internazionale dei giornalisti ha espresso solidarietà ai colleghi italiani per lo sciopero generale del 16 aprile contro le misure sul lavoro del governo Berlusconi: in una nota la Fij invita le associazioni federate ad esprimere consenso alla Fnsi Italy on General strike including the journalists, April 16.2002 The Federazione della Stampa Nationale Italiana (FNSI), the Italian member organization of the EFJ and IFJ has unanimously decided that journalists will participate in a general strike organized by the Italian trade unions CGIL, CISL and UIL on April 16. The strike will involve journalists from: Daily newspapers, who will not work on April 15 in order to prevent the publication of the edition for April 16; National news agencies, who will not work from April 15 (7.00) till April 16 (7.00); Magazines, who will not work on April 16; Online sector; Freelance sector; Public and private broadcasting at both local and national level, who will not work on April 16, The main objectives of the journalists unions are: Protest against the draft proposal by the government on the labour law (article 18) which suggests to allow the employer to dismiss workers without justified reason; Respond to the attacks on established labour rights and against unions by several media companies; Promote democratic and pluralistic media environment and a communication sector based on quality and reliability. With Kind Regards, Renate Schroeder, European Officer. Bernard Vanmuysewinkel Administrative Officer International Federation of Journalists


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