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Appuntamenti 23 Mag 2008

Premio giornalistico “Lorenzo Natali Prize-2008” - The European Union Prize for Journalists

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The European Union acknowledges that expression freedom includes the right for citizens to access information and that press freedom leads the way to Democracy and Development. The current news show that journalists are still too often targeted, although throughout their work, they defend Human Rights worldwide. Therefore, with the Lorenzo Natali Prize*, the European Commission is involved in supporting and congratulating the journalists, which will show remarkable judgement in their work on issues related to Human Rights and Democracy within the developing world. * Lorenzo Natali is the name of the former European Commission vice-president in charge of the development cooperation between 1985 and 1989. His work and his engagement contributed to policies reflecting the importance that Europe attaches to the cooperation and support to developing countries. The Lorenzo Natali Prize is open to journalists working for media in one of the five following world regions : Africa, Asia and the Pacific, Europe, Latin America and the Caribbean, the Arab World and the Middle-East. The prize rewards journalists having tackled the topics of human rights or democracy within the developing world. For the first time this year, the Lorenzo Natali Prize enlarges to radio and TV journalists. Each applicant can hand in ONE journalistic work, or ONE extract of a journalistic work published or aired between January lst 2007 and June 30th 2008. The fifteen winners of the Lorenzo Natali Prize will be honour guests of the European Commission for a journey in France. Each winner will receive a trophy and a prize. Overall, a 50,000 € prize will reward the best works. For further information or to apply, check the website : www.nataliprize2008.eu Email: info@nataliprize2008.eu


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